Intro to Hockey
Registration is open for our October session! Click to Sign up.
DATES: OCT 13 - NOV 24
DAY: Sundays
TIME: 12-12:50 PM
FEE: $75,res $85,non-res
Class times are subject to change
Full hockey equipment is required for the class. This includes gloves, helmet, hockey pants, shin pads, elbow pads, shoulder pads, hockey socks, athletic supporter, stick, and skates. Equipment rental is available with a $100 deposit in the DISC Pro Shop. Deposit is refundable when all equipment is returned. Rental equipment does NOT include an athletic supporter or skates.
Call the DISC at (313) 943-4098 no later than October 10 to schedule a fitting.
Refund Policy: No refunds after the third class of the session! Refunds will be based on the number of classes remaining in the session at the time of the refund request. Note there will be a $10 processing fee deducted for all refunds.
At the conclusion of the Introduction to Hockey program, your child may be eligible to be placed on a team within the Dearborn Hockey Association.